The Next Big Thing Blog Hop

Recently a new author friend, Karen Welch, tagged me to participate in this blog hop. It’s an opportunity to share information about The GAP Project and then I get to tag two other people giving them an opportunity to tell about their work in progress. You can check out Karen at Lost in the Plains where you can learn about her (a southern transplant to the Midwest) and her book (Offered for Love) which is about how far we’ll go to sacrifice for those we care about.

Now for the questions:

What is the title of your book?

The GAP Project has evolved. It’s had a couple of titles as the book has gone through revisions. This is the one that makes the most sense with the story and actually came about after talking to Louise Fury at a conference. My critique group and I sat down and brainstormed new titles and The GAP Project was born.

Where did the idea come for your book?

I had a dream one cold January night. As dreams go, it was tragically inadequate for writing a novel. However, the main character, Ginny, a teenager who spent her life believing she’s adopted finds out in a most horrifying way that she wasn’t. She was “made up of goopy stuff in  lab somewhere.”

What genre does your book fall under?

GAP is a sci-fi suspense novel for young adults. The main characters, Ginny, Toad, and Mayo, are all 17. The book is heavily based on medical research and science and since one faction of the government sold Ginny and another faction is trying to “shut her down,” she spends the entire book running from bad elements.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Like all writers I’ve thought about this. I don’t know many young actors, and the few I do, not impressed with. However, Jennifer Lawrence is amazing and if you put curly red hair on her…maybe. 🙂 I think if I were ever so lucky, I would allow the casting people to do what they do best but I would ask to have final approval. I have seen enough bad casting to know I’d want the power to say, “That’s a horrid fit.”

What is the one sentence pitch for your novel?

Ginny Carrera discovers she’s genetically engineered to regenerate, but there are people who seek to appropriate her for her unique DNA, and they’ll have to beat out the government seeking to shut her down before anyone else realizes The GAP Project exists.

How long did it take you to write the first draft?

About six weeks. It was horrid, of course, but I needed to get down the kernel from the dream before I lost it. I’ve spent the time since trying to make it make sense.

What other books would you compare it to in your genre?

I’m sure there are some closer but I haven’t read them. Being by Kevin Brooks is creepy and definitely has some of Ginny’s elements. Here and There by Denise Grover Swank reminded me in ways of Ginny. Mostly in the running from bad elements. I highly recommend them especially if you’re intrigued by parallel worlds.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

The dream inspired the character and basic idea. However, the idea of writing for teenagers came from 18 years of teaching them. They were always giving me ideas and keeping me intrigued even on my darkest days.

What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?

Well, there’s romance, of course. It’s also the first of three books that will explore the impact on Ginny and others like her, intended to rescue society, and then left to die.

Thanks for stopping by my spot on the web. I’m back to those edits. I’m almost done. Yeah!!!

I’m tagging Randi Lee to tell us about the novel she’s working diligently on and Leatrice McKinney has an amazing novel to share with us. Enjoy their tales next time.

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