Campaigner Tag

For whatever reason Word Press spammed some Campaigner’s comments so I’m a bit slow in responding. Thanks Daniel for tagging me in the Platform Building Campaign question tag game. Here are my answers to your questions.

  1. If you had one week left to live, what would you do? I’d spend it with my family, the horses, nature, and writing. I’d say goodbye to my friends.
  2. What quote inspires you? “Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” ~Anton Chekhov
  3. What movie scene inspires you? Why? The courtroom scene in TKAM when the balcony stands for Atticus to exit the courtroom and Scout is told to stand for her daddy.
  4. What comedy do you end up watching again and again as the years go by? I can’t say that there is any that I watch again and again…what does that say about me?
  5. Do you think love can last forever? I think true love is eternal.
  6. What fictional character would you trade lives with if you could? Stephanie Plum. Are you kidding? Ranger here I come.
  7. What historical character would you marry if you had to choose someone? I’ve always had a mad crush on Mark Twain.
  8. Which do you prefer, coffee, hot cocoa, soda, vegetable juice, water? I’m addicted to Lipton’s Diet Raspberry White Tea and if it’s a hot drink nothing beats Chai Tea Lattes.
  9. How long would it take you to drive to the beach from where you live? Depends on who is driving and what they’re driving but it would take at least two days to reach the closest ocean.
  10. What are you currently reading? I’m reading Catch Me by Lisa Gardner and rereading Hooked by Les Edgerton.
  11. If you choose an answer to this question at random, what is the chance you will be correct?
    1. 25%
    2. 50%
    3. 60%
    4. 25%

    I’m a writer. Always stunk at math. πŸ™‚ Can I plead the fifth?

Here are the people I’ve tagged and their eleven questions.

  1. Rebekah Loper
  2. Carol Riggs
  3. Neil Vogler
  4. Margo Kelly
  5. Alison Miller
  6. Kharisma Rayne
  7. Ute Carbone
  8. Susan Roebuck
  9. Lena Corazon
  10. Sarah Pearson
  11. Sara Bowers

Here are your questions

  1. Wine or beer?
  2. Mountains or the beach?
  3. What is your ideal writing spot?
  4. What intrigues you more developing character or developing plot?
  5. Who is your favorite “beach read” author?
  6. What is your favorite animal?
  7. Do you like music when you write or silence or something else?
  8. What genres do you write?
  9. Do you cross genres in your writing?
  10. If the dream agent walked in one day with the dream deal on your latest novel, how would you react?
  11. You’ve got your book deal, what’s your personal marketing plan?

Thanks for the tag, Daniel. Everyone have a great week.


Filed under Writing

20 responses to “Campaigner Tag

  1. Fun to learn new stuff about you. πŸ™‚

  2. It was the mad crush on Twain, huh?

  3. Thanks for tagging me! You’ll have to fight me for Ranger though.

  4. Oh man. I love the quote you chose. It’s one of my favorites.

  5. Thanks for passing this on to me! I am already busy at working figuring out how to answer my questions… And cool that you’re reading HOOKED! I have that waiting for me to read but I haven’t gotten around to doing it yet. I enjoyed the answers to your questions!

  6. I LOVE that you have a crush on Mark Twain! He’s definitely on my list of historical hotties, lol. πŸ˜‰ Thanks for tagging me!

  7. Some interesting questions you’ve set there πŸ™‚ I’ll answer these the week after next if that’s okay. (For once, I’ve actually scheduled ahead next week!)

  8. Thanks for tagging me Dawn (I think LOL). I’d like to be Stephanie Plum too – but I’ll stick with Morelli. Off to answer your questions and it’s great meeting you!

  9. I loved this. I’m popping over from the Platform Building Campaign. I look forward to getting to know you and your work. ~Cheers

  10. A lot of great answers. I always like to learn more about random things about people. It is fun and mixes things up!

  11. Thanks for the tag! πŸ™‚

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