Oh, How I Miss You Blogfest

This week, I’m participating in the I Miss You Blogfest hosted by  Andrew Leon, Matthew MacNish, and Alex J. Cavanaugh.

It’s time to tell which blogger buddies we really miss because they aren’t posting as often, or at all. It’s also time to show appreciation for the bloggers I would really miss!

The rules: List one to three bloggers you really miss and one to three bloggers you would miss if they stopped blogging. Then go leave a comment on those blogs.

Before I start naming names, I encourage you to hop on over to Alex J. Cavanaugh’s blog and sign up to join the fun. He also has a list of other participants.

Now, for the bloggers I miss:

Kelsey Tener : This one is personal and difficult because Kelsey’s blogging days are over. We lost her to brain cancer June 6, 2012. Her journey on this earth was short but important to those of us who loved her. Sadly, we lost her mother to breast cancer this fall as well.

Nicole McClaughlin: A busy working mom during the holiday season. Yup, that pretty much says it all.

Terri Moran: A good friend of mine is a busy, and I do mean BUSY, college professor with other jobs as well. She cannot blog as often as I’d like as I enjoy her posts.

Bloggers I would miss:

There are so many people to add to this list and even though the rules say one to three, I’m gonna bend them. Some of my favorite bloggers who I would miss terrible should they leave the blogosphere include: Info Dump a la El, Natasha Hanova, Les Edgerton, Richard Thomas, Brent Spencer, and Author Laura Diamond-Lucid Dreamer.

These bloggers run the spectrum from professors and practitioners to writers working other gigs as they practice their craft. They offer their experience and knowledge with grace humility. I learn from them and I respect them. Thank you all (and those unnamed) for being amazing artists! I know keeping up with blogging isn’t always easy.

I’m off to comment on other blogs!. Better get started.


Filed under The Life, Writing

4 responses to “Oh, How I Miss You Blogfest

  1. Thanks for the shout-out, Dawn–I’d miss you and your blog, too!

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